to Rukova Hiža

Rukova Hiža is a family vacation home for 4 persons.

The house consists of a ground floor with a bathroom, kitchen and living room with a spacious table for a dozen people, while the loft has three bedrooms and a bathroom. The rooms have a double bed, two beds and a baby bed. All rooms are equipped with bed linen, TV and WiFi.

Rukova Hiža welcomes guests all year round.

Facilities: / free parking / free WiFi / non-smoking rooms / pets allowed / courtyard

Make yourself at home, barbecue, ride a bike, relax and enjoy and feel free and chop wood, join and cut vines, dig out the garden, clean up ...

One needs very little to be happy, but it is strange that little is missing so often.

Let Rukova Hiža be the SMALL thing that helps a person to be happy.

Rest your soul and your body, enjoy every new day of your life!
Jelena&Tomislav Ruk